It's been a crazy couple of weeks! Between finals, dance, and just trying to not lose my mind, I'm surprised I managed to find time to do anything. With seven weeks of no class looming ahead of me, I've been trying to figure out what I'm going to do.
As those close to me know, I'm a writer first and foremost. My brain doesn't turn off like a normal person's, and often, I write multiple stories/novels at once. While I've yet to be published, I don't stop writing. My main problem is writer's block. Whenever I get it, I start work on a new idea I had, and then the process repeats. In an effort to finally finish a novel I've been working on for two years, I've started to rewrite it... again.
The easiest way for me to begin was to start at the basic level, developing the characters fully and putting that on paper. Over the next few days, I'll be hammering out those details. It's interesting to see how these characters look on paper when they aren't just shouting instructions in my head about their story.
The next step is an outline. Up to this point, I'd had an idea of where I wanted the story to go, but I hadn't put it all down on paper so details were getting lost in translation. By having an outline, I'll be able to keep writing, even when things seem bleak. As soon as that's done, I'll be able to buckle down and finally write!
Meanwhile, I've also been working on creating visual aids to help me with the writing. As I've been working on getting my character development on paper. Having some of the personal effects of my characters helps me channel them, to truly get the tone of the situation they're in. I also have a tendency to act out their fights, to see exactly how it would work.
Now that I've babbled some about my writing exercises, feel free to leave me a comment about your own.