Friday, August 31, 2012

Back to the Beginning (And some extra stuff)

My goodness, two blogs in a week.  I must be losing my mind.  I don't think you lot mind, though.  So, anyways, on with the show before I start rambling...

Tomorrow is September first.  That's right.  September first.  I'm freaking out sightly, because it's been a year since the last Harry Potter movie came out.  Do you know what that means for me?  That means I've got to find a way to keep Harry Potter alive today without completely losing my mind.  Normally, I'd organize a reenactment of the Battle of Hogwarts, but I don't have enough friends into Harry Potter.  Maybe we'll get together to do that in May... hmm...

Anyways, back the the first.  In order to keep the fandom alive, I'm going to be writing a quick wrock song and releasing it tomorrow on YouTube... if everything goes according to plan.  I'm also working on some stuff for my soon-to-be opened Etsy store, including some House bracelets.  Yes, I'm a nerd.  Get over it.

All of my Quibblo readers will be happy to know that I'm also going to be publishing at least one chapter of one fanfiction tomorrow.  I'll also try to get my story updated, but I make no promises on that front.  I've been terrible lately.

Also!  While I remember...  Next week is midterms for me.  Yes, I know, for most of you, school's only just started.  Gimme a break.  I'm in college and my college is weird.  Really, really, really, really weird.  For my blogs, that means I might vlog some, but I don't know if I'll put up an actual blog next week.  I'm going to try to, at the very least.

So, now, a question.  How are you celebrating the beginning of the Hogwarts term, my lovelies?

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