Wednesday, March 13, 2013

And the Madness Begins.

Days until Camp NaNoWriMo: 18

Keep with me, because I'm about to talk to you about everything that's coming up over the next year.

So, it's official. I'm doing the April session of Camp NaNoWriMo. Originally, I was going to write the sequel to Faery Mists, Moon Struck, but now I think I'm going to write a different novel. We'll see what happens.

I'm also considering making a documentary, but that will take a lot more time and planning than writing a novel, especially considering I want to do a documentary about women on YouTube. I know for a fact that I've got a movie in the works, so yeah. I'm losing my mind slowly. A friend and I are working on the script currently, then we'll be moving on in the production of it. We're doing it all ourselves.

On my YouTube channel, I'm going to be producing some more music (yay?) and doing some new short films/skits. We'll see how all that goes. I know that next week, I get to finally put up my Slenderman video. It's been a long time coming and it's almost finished, finally.

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