It seems fitting I finish up this month's blogs with a post about how flawed people, myself included, are. Spring is a time to clean out the old issues and welcome the dawning of a new year, a new chance at life. Summer brings us the chance to grow as people, to find ourselves, and hope we don't lose people along the way.
Over the past month, I've come to terms with a lot. I've lost friends, made new ones, and grown as a person. I'm still flawed, and I always will be. I long ago accepted that I'm nowhere close to perfect. Self-pity? Yeah, I feel it. Anger, depression, pride? Yeah, I suffer from those emotions as well. However, I work hard to overcome the negativity in my life. I try very hard to let go of the past, and to learn from my mistakes.
Very recently, I had a bit of a meltdown. I called some people out on the way they were treating me and the backlash was horrific. I was sick of the abuse I was taking from people who didn't even know me or what happens in my life. People close to those people then took it upon themselves to let me know I'm a pathetic bitch. Hey, I'll own up to that. I only have one thing to say in my defense: I am human. I make mistakes. Life isn't about everyone liking you. It's not about pissing off everyone around you. It's about making mistakes, learning from them, and trying to be a better person.
So here it is, my soul laid bare. I'm a pathetic teenager who suffers from a horrible mental affliction called being human. I'm too smart for my own good, I don't believe in false modesty, I make mistakes quite often, and I'm in love with my life. I wouldn't change me for the world.
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