Thursday, October 11, 2012

It's My Life (I'll Believe What I Want)

Typically, I try to be a very calm person.  Try was the keyword in that sentence.  Typically, I manage to succeed, until idiots surround me or someone attempts to tell me that what I believe is wrong.  Let's back up a little.

For those of you who don't know, I'm not fond of being told what to do... or what to believe.  I never have been and I never will be.  I have some wonderful words that I use when someone wants to tell me I'm wrong.  "Prove it."  It's a challenge, and most people fail to bring the proof.  I especially love when someone likes to try to use the Bible as scientific proof.

Now, I'm not saying that there isn't some truth in the Bible.  It's a brilliant history book, to a point.  When arguing that fossilized evidence isn't valid, though, don't bring religion into it.  I don't care if you're Catholic, Wiccan, or otherwise.  Science and religion have been proven not to mix well.  Galileo was a wonderful example of this.  His (then) radical ideas managed to get him arrested.

No, I'm not saying that there isn't a higher power--don't even get me started.  What I am saying, though, is that thanks to being an American, I'm allowed to believe what I want.  I'm allowed to practice whatever religion I feel like.  If I suddenly feel the urge to worship a shoe as a higher power, I can do that!  I might get laughed at, sure, but that is totally within my rights.

So, let this be a warning to everyone who wants to tell me what to believe.  I will believe what I want and say what's on my mind.  There's nothing you can do about it.  It's also well within your right to tell me I'm wrong, to tell me that I'm not a good person, and to attempt to change my mind.  However, don't expect me to stick around to see what happens.  I'm not lost.  I'm just on a different path.

1 comment:

  1. Psuedoscientifical defense of religious belief ticks me off. I don't believe that science and religion contradict each other, but they shouldn't try to prove or disprove each other. They're different. Trying to prove religion will only discredit yourself. Religion can be shared or taught, but belief is a personal thing and trying to force it is ludicrous.
